BRN is an acronym for Business Registration Number. It is a 16 digit number which gives special identity to business operating in Rajasthan state.

It enables the information of business to be shared across all the concerned departments in Rajasthan. Till August 2020, more than 7 Lakh BRN’s have been issued in the State.
BRN was introduced by the Government of Rajasthan - Planning Department vide Notification No. No. F 23(5)1/TFC/DES/BR/57207 dated September 20, 2016.
Why Business Registration Number (BRN) is important?
Consider a hypothetical scenario. Suppose a person/entity is engaged in trading business and turnover of business is Rs. 8 Lakhs only, which is less than the threshold limit required for GST registration. The business entity also does not qualify for MSME/Udyam registration because it is neither involved in manufacturing nor service. In this case, it becomes very difficult for business entity to prove its identity across departments in Rajasthan.
In our scenario, we highlighted how small business faces herculean task to prove their identity. For this, Government of Rajasthan came out with BRN so that these types of entities can apply for registration of their business which they can use as identity proof to be submitted across departments in the state.
Government of Rajasthan plans to bring formalization in the economy with BRN so that benefits of government schemes can be passed on to all small and growing businesses in Rajasthan.
How to apply for BRN registration ?
A business entity can apply for BRN by following procedure:
Go to the BRN registration portal
Select Registration> Apply for BRN. In case of NGO/VO, click on Apply BRN(For NGO).
Read all the terms and conditions mentioned on the registration page and click ‘I have read and agree to the above instructions’.
Enter the Mobile No. Email ID and Captcha Code and select verify.
Enter the OTP received on the above mentioned Email ID.
Select Apply BRN on the existing BRN search page.
Enter the following details and complete the application form:
Area Type - Rural or Urban.
If Rural is selected above, then mention Village and Tehsil subsequently. If Urban is selected, then mention Town, Ward and Tehsil.
Select ID Proof type - Aadhaar Card, Bhamashah Card or any other ID Proof.
In case of ‘Aadhar Card’ on OTP will be received on Aadhaar registered mobile no. to give the consent.Photograph of the business owner will be pre-filled in case aadhar is submitted as an ID proof.
In case of ‘Bhamashah Card’ Applicant Details will be filled automatically including its family member. Select the appropriate member. If you select ‘Other ID Proof’ then you have to fill ‘Applicant Details like Email id, Mobile No. photograph Address of the owner.
Upload signature of the business owner(in JPEG format upto 50 KB).
Enter Name & Address of business place of Enterprises/Firms including PAN/TAN.
Enter Name & Address of main business place/head office of the Enterprises/Firms.
Select Correspondence address to be used for future reference which can be either Applicant address or Business Place address or Head Office address.
Enter Description of Major Activity. The applicant can select the activity code form the list as suitable to the business entity.
Enter Year of Starting of Operation. If not started then click Not Started.
Choose Yes or No for whether annual accounts are maintained or not?
Enter Ownership Code from the drop down list. Ownership Code refers to a type of business entity like: Proprietorship, Partnership Firm, Company, Limited Liability Partnership, Self Help Group etc.
Enter total no. of expected/working number of persons of the business entity including owner.
Expected/Proposed Investment in the business entity. (Rs. in lakhs)
Select the applicable acts under which registrations taken in the following format:
For Example: The Companies Act, 1956, Factories Act, 1948, Directorate of Industries etc.
Enter Remarks (if any).
Click the checkbox of declaration and select submit.
After submitting the application successfully take the print of the application.
BRN will be auto generated and sent to your registered Mobile No. and Email id. Sample BRN Registration Certificate
For more information about BRN application process, the Government of Rajasthan’s Guidelines and Registration Tutorial can be referred.
NGO(Non Government Organisation) or VO(Voluntary Organisation) can also apply for BRN registration. On successful submission of their application, this Sample BRN Certificate for NGO/VO will be generated. The applicant on form will have to be submitted with the above mentioned information.
However, following key points to be considered while applying for registration in case of NGO/VO:
If the NGO/VO is registered:
- Registered before 2011-2012 then choose 2011-2012 in all cases.
- Registered after 2011-2012 then choose the relevant year of reg.
If NGO/VO is unregistered, select the relevant act in which registration will be sought in future.
How to search BRN?
After a business entity has applied for BRN application, it can use Search BRN option for certificate download:
- Click on the link
- Enter ‘District’ & BRN/Reference Number/Establishment Name
- Enter the Captcha Code
- Click Search button
Download the BRN in pdf using the OTP received on Email id & Mobile No. to save for future reference
How to print BRN?
A business entity which has applied for a BRN application and is approved, can use the Print BRN option for downloading the certificate. Steps to be followed for printing the BRN certificate are:
- Click on the link
- Go to Registration tab> Print BRN
- Enter the BRN/Ref. No and Captcha Code
- Click Show button
- Enter OTP received on registered Email id & Mobile.
How to cancel BRN?
Whenever a business entity closes its operations, it has to surrender all the existing registrations/approvals. In case the business entity is closing its operation in the state, then it can apply for the cancellation of the BRN certificate. Following steps are to be followed:
- Click on the link
- Go to Registration tab> Cancel BRN
- Enter the BRN/Ref. No and Captcha Code
- Click Show button
How to update BRN?
All types of changes made in the management, business type, address etc. of the business entity can be made in the BRN. Following steps are to be followed for making the relevant changes:
- Click on the link
- Go to Registration tab> Update BRN
- Enter the BRN/Ref. No and Captcha Code
- Click Show button
Further the applicant can also refer to Application for Updation form for offline updation of the BRN.
How to report the investment figure while filing the BRN application?
Investment figures of the business entity are to be reported in Lakhs.
What are the documents required for registration?
ID Proof - Any of the following documents can be submitted as ID proof:
- Aadhaar Card
- Bhamashah Card
- Other ID Proofs : PAN, Voter ID, Driving License, Ration Card & Passport
How to know the reason for rejection of BRN?
If BRN application is rejected, its reason may be viewed by the PRINT BRN option and then follow the steps mentioned above.
Which state authority supervises the BRN applications/updations?
The overall supervision work is done by Ex-officio state business registrar at state level and Ex-officio additional district business registrar at district level. The District wise List of Additional Business Registrar & Deputy Director/Assistant Director Economics & Statistics to be contacted for help.
Whether it is mandatory to apply for BRN in the State?
Yes, BRN is mandatory for all type of applications with electricity/water supply authorities/local bodies/ municipalities etc
Who is eligible for BRN?
All business entities including NGOs which are commencing its operations in the state can apply for BRN. It will act as business identity proof for submitting with various authorities.
What is the fee charged for BRN by the government?
No such registration fee is charged by the government for BRN registration. It is a complete online process without any government intervention.
For more FAQs, the government has also issued a few for clarification purposes